This week, I'm going to be telling you about my favorite scents. I'm not sure where this idea came from, but I'm running with it. :)
1.) Coffee. I love the scent of ground coffee still in the bag. My favorite so far is Starbucks Colombian blend coffee grounds. I love the scent in the bag better than brewed. Gives me a coffee-gasm every time.
2.) Rain. Sounds cliche, but I love the scent of rain. I remember from my childhood, when my family lived in the sticks (Dayton, NV), and a thunderstorm would roll through... I'd sneak outside and lay on the driveway underneath my mom's broken down Chevy (don't ask me why I'd hide UNDER the car... Talk about an accident waiting to happen - I was an odd child). But I would just lay there and breathe deep.
3.) Givenchy perfume - Very Irresistable. DH gave me this perfume for my birthday a few years ago and I've gone through three large bottles since then. For a woman who doesn't wear much perfume, I sure did give this stuff a good run. It's expensive, but it smells SO GOOD... It's in a tall, pink, rectangular bottle if you ever see it at your local department store.
4.) Roses. Just like any other woman on Planet Earth, I love the scent of roses.
5.) Rose-scented perfumes. Which leads me to this scent. I love rose-scented perfumes (of which the above-listed Givenchy perfume is based.)
6.) Sauteed onions & garlic. OMG, this scent makes my stomach dance and sing. I love the scent of onions and garlic sauteed together. Mmm...
7.) Puppy breath. No, not DOG breath, puppy breath. Like newborn puppy breath. It has it's own unique scent, probably because they're not yet eating the nasty storebought dog food just yet.
8.) New Car Smell. Yup, this is probably cliche, but there really is nothing like getting into a brand new car and taking a deep breath. Ahhh.
9.) Newborn Baby. While you might think eeww, baby smell? Let me first say that a newborn baby, while breastfeeding, does NOT have stinky poos. I've had four kids. I'm an expert on this. It isn't until you give them formula and solids that they stink. But I'm not talking about their poos. I'm just talking about the heavenly smell that seems to waft off of newborn baby skin. It goes far beyond Johnson & Johnson's or baby powder. I'm not sure what it is, but they smell so good.
10.) Old Spice - Whitewater Aftershave. This is the aftershave that is blue. It is not the traditional Old Spice smell, but something more wonderful than that. I love this scent, probably because my DH wears this (I buy it for him-that's why he wears it), but I could literally smell his pillow all day long because I love the scent of this aftershave so much. It's not a cologne, however. But it reminds me of my sexy, hunka hubby. :)
11.) Fresh-Cut Grass. While my son is highly allergic to grass, I find the scent of fresh-cut grass highly appealing. I love being out there when DH is mowing the lawn, smelling the odor that reminds me of spring freshness.
12.) Gasoline. I told you I was odd. For years, my sister and I have each loved the smell of gasoline. I don't smell it too much any more (good thing because I hear it can kill braincells lol), because here in Oregon, you don't pump your own gas. In an effort to create more jobs, we have people who pump your gas for you, therefore, I rarely smell the vapors rising from my gas tank anymore. But I remember... And dear Gawd, at the gas prices nowadays, SMELLING the stuff is pretty much all I *can* do, as my van is constantly running on fumes. lol
13.) A charcoal BBQ. Maybe it's the lighter fluid, I'm not sure, but a gas grill just doesn't have the *smell* a charcoal BBQ has. So many possibilities, so many yummy foods. I smell a charcoal grill and my tummy is a'growlin', even if it's the neighbors who are cooking out. I usually then have to grill something myself for dinner. But DH and I have a gas grill. Dammit.
And there you have it, 13 of my favorite scents!