Becka's Babble

Ramblings of a Romance Writer

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Well, in Hillsboro, that is. :P Here is a picture of my interview I did with the Argus. I was floored when I opened the paper and saw it. HALF A FRICKEN' PAGE in COLOR?!? Thank you, JoAnn Boatwright!! :D

If you would like to actually read the article, you can click on the link below and it will take you right to it, sans the pictures, unfortunately.

Becka's Interview Linky

But how cool is that? And seeing my books up there floating above the article? Just too cool! That pic was taken of me at my desk, hovering over my stack of books. From top to bottom, we have THE B*E*A*S*T* WITHIN, ON EAGLE'S WINGS, MISTLETOE MAGIC, BY GRACE PUBLISHING'S SHORT & SWEET ANTHOLOGY (featuring HOPE IN THE LORD & SINCERELY YOURS), LEARNING TO LOVE AGAIN, BRIDES AND BOUQUETS 2005, & HEART OF GOLD. Wow!

All of these books can be ordered in print, however only three of them, TBW, OEW, and MM can be ordered directly from any bookstore. The others are "print on demand" that can only be purchased online at this point. You can go to my bookshelf for details on that:

If you click on my Inspirationals, there is a "buy" link. That link will take you where you need to go to buy those print books. :)

But just today, I went to my local Fred Meyer, which is kind of like a grocery store merged with a Target... Anyhow, I go there all the time, and I was literally tackled by the guy who helps me out with my groceries, who said he'd seen my article in the Argus. I was thinking SWEET! I haven't seen it yet, but yeehaw! I gotta go buy me some copies! :D The lady who I always go to in check out was also shocked to see me in the paper. It was great, but I got some strange looks by people who were passing by, hearing me talk about my "interview", like wondering, "Who is she??" LOL

But wow, I'm so amazed right now. I never thought I would have gotten such a huge piece. That is the front page of the arts & entertainment section. I even had a smaller pic on the front page of the paper that said something about "Local Romance Author" section C1! :) Too, too cool.

Well, my 15 minutes of fame are up. :P



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