Becka's Babble

Ramblings of a Romance Writer

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


In case you've been living under a ROCK (or you've never heard of me and this is the first time you've stumbled upon this blog which is a possibility since I do get a *lot* of hits from new people every single day...) (whew) then you know today was the release day of the second book in my Legends of Mynos series, THE WOLVERINE AND THE JEWEL.

*whispers* you can buy it here:

But I know some of you are lamenting that it's not yet payday or that the couch isn't coughing up it's monthly coin quota... Therefore, I'm holding a contest on my author loop, so come and join!

Click the link above to join my author loop and read the post on how to enter the contest to win an eBook copy of this book! You have until Friday, May 18th, when I post the winner of my contest, and I expect to see goo gobs of entries!! **eyeballs crowd**

If you don't enter, it must be because you've already bought the book and are reading it voraciously as we speak. Well, maybe not as we speak, since you are reading this blog, after all... But simply joining my author loop won't do; you have to ENTER the contest to win, and details on how to enter are posted on my loop. And I'm not going to tell you here, so nyah. LOL



At 3:22 PM , Blogger LisaBisa said...

I totally have to buy this!


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